Thursday, July 14, 2022

Sheb Wooley "The Purple People Eater" (Official Video)

At approximately 3:05 am yesterday, I was getting ready to go to bed. While standing next to a window, my peripheral vision suddenly saw some type of bright light low in the sky.  At first, I thought it was the moon, but when I looked out the window, the light suddenly made a rapid movement, then disappeared.  I wonder what it was. Hmm.

Way back in 1958, singer and actor Sheb Wooley was blowing peoples' minds with his Purple People Eater song. The exploration of outer space was becoming more of a reality every day, and this song looks at the topic with lots of imagination and humor.


The theme song for the Hee Haw TV show was written by Sheb Wooley, and Mr.Wooley appeared regularly on the program.

What happened to peoples' sense of imagination? Why can't music like this still be recorded and released?

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