Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Roads in West Hartford are Dotted with Menacing Potholes

When's the last time you drove down Oakwood Avenue or South Quaker Lane in West Hartford? If you've driven down these roads recently, you've probably encountered some pretty nasty potholes.

A couple of days ago, I drove south on Oakwood Avenue from Crosby Street south to Flatbush Avenue, then reversed the trip, heading north on Oakwood Avenue.

Since the 1970s, I've driven a multitude of vehicles on that same section of road, and never saw potholes there like the ones there are now. Those vehicles include several Triumph motorcycles, two of which were awesome choppers. When you're operating vehicles like that, you become quite aware of pothole conditions.

There was one pothole in particular this week, near Layton Street, that made me think it could destroy my front wheel assembly and/or integral front end parts. The Miata is only a few inches off the ground, and the impact from hitting the pothole shook through my entire body.

West Hartford has long been known for offering a fairly high standard of living, and the public roads there have heretofore been maintained very well.

The Department of Public Works in West Hartford regularly does a great job. It is hoped that they can have a sense of urgency regarding the numerous potholes that are located all over town.

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