Thursday, June 23, 2022

C'mon, Antenna TV Network, America Needs the Wacky Logic of Marlo Thomas' Ann Marie on "That Girl," More Than Ever

Can you please consider airing "That Girl" every night?

Since you already removed it from the Saturday night schedule, how about bringing it back at least five nights per week? It's great that you air it on weekday afternoons, but the airtime can be inconvenient for many people.

That Girl is a classic, American TV comedy program that originally aired from 1966 through 1971. The show revolved around a young actress named Ann Marie, who lived in New York City. Ann Marie regularly found herself in the middle of unusual situations, which often left her boyfriend, Donald Hollinger quite baffled.

America was changing in myriad ways when That Girl was in prime time. It's fun to look at the Nehru jackets, go-go boots and sanitized hippies that can be found on this still-relevant program.

In the Hartford, Connecticut area, two episodes of That Girl air on the Antenna TV network (Channel 61.2), from 3:00-4:00 pm on weekday afternoons. The star of the show is the legendary Marlo Thomas, and Ted Bessell portrayed Mr. Hollinger. 

Ever since I was a young grasshopper, I've been a big fan of Marlo Thomas, and her Father, Danny Thomas. Even though he's known as the star of "Make Room For Daddy," and other onscreen accomplishments, Danny Thomas was also the founder of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. 

Marlo Thomas has long been associated with St. Jude, and serves as the hospital's National Outreach Director. 

The character of Ann Marie's overprotective, restaurant-owner father, Lew Marie, was played by Lew Parker. In my opinion, he's the funniest character on the show. The Lew Marie character reminds me of Arthur Spooner on the King of Queens, played by Jerry Stiller.

C'mon, Antenna TV, America needs the wacky logic of Ann Marie, the practical common sense of Donald Hollinger and the firm leadership of Lou Marie more than ever before.

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