Sunday, April 3, 2022

When Playing the Lottery, it Helps to Keep Your Expectations Low


Are you a regular CT Lottery player? If you are, you have plenty of company. Every day, legions of people across the state plunk their money down, in search of a dream. 

 According to, their many types of tickets are now available at more than 2,800 retailers across the state. As of 3/19/22, there are 72 different scratch, or instant lottery games being sold in Connecticut.

When it comes to drawn-numbers lottery games, the State is offering daily and nightly Play 3 and Play 4 games, a nightly Cash 5 game, Classic Lotto, Mega Millions, Keno, Lucky For Life and Powerball.

For approximately 15 years now, I've consistently been playing the numbers 918 and 164 in the nightly Play 3 drawings. My wager-type is $0.50-cent Box, which means I'm betting $0.50 cents on each number. With this type of bet, the three digits can come in in any order, and the payout is $41.50.

Many weeks can go by with neither of my Play 3 numbers being drawn, but then there are times when there may be two winners in the span of just several days.

In all of the years I've been playing these numbers, I've missed getting tickets for a drawing only a handful of times. On one of those occasions, maybe eight or nine years ago, one of my numbers came in. Ever since then, I've been purchasing the two numbers in seven-day tickets.

When you play the same CT Lottery numbers every day, it adds another little dimension to your life. Even though, in reality, you're probably losing money, there's a certain little thrill that comes with playing. The payouts are small, but they can cover the cost of some of my frequent trips to fast food restaurants.

My Father was an accountant for many years, and he saw lottery games as a waste of money. Another family member, however, won a good amount of money from a single Quick Pick ticket.

Some of the most valuable advice I ever received came from my AA sponsor Wild Bill. He says it's best to wear life like a loose-fitting garment, and to keep one's expectations low.

By keeping your expectations low, it's easier to be grateful for winning anything at all. Perhaps it comes with age, but I've found that thinking about winning big money in the lottery is pretty useless and self-defeating.

If you're a regular CT Lottery player, I reccomend that you visit The website contains a vast amount on information, including a listing of all the winning numbers from every game, going back several years.

Even though I may be losing money overall, it still helps to keep expectations low. Doing so allows me to see any winnings that may come as gravy, and are appreciated even more.

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