Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Jelly Donuts Actually Serve as a Metaphor, of Sorts.

November 30, 2019 at 7:34 PM                                                                                        Updated in August 2022                                                        
Unfortunately, many of the donuts that I purchase from Hartford-area Dunkin' shops these days, taste an awful lot like fryalator grease. The donuts that I've recently gotten from Shop Rite and Big Y supermarkets have been a lot better than Dunkin's donuts.
For many years, donut-lovers in Connecticut could satisfy their cravings by purchasing donuts from Dunkin' Donuts, the Whole Donut, or other, small donut shops that are situated throughout the state.
Donuts are one of the most ubiquitous of American taste treats, and people of all ages really love eating them. As a kid, I loved eating donuts from the many Bess Eaton donut shops that used to be common in Connecticut.
There used to be lots of Whole Donut shops in Connecticut, and their donuts have always been very good. A Google search for "Whole Donut Shops in CT-2022" reveals that Whole Donut shops are still operating in Canton and Enfield, Connecticut in 2022.
Although this blog title refers to jelly donuts, the jelly donuts actually serve as a metaphor, of sorts. The site really celebrates all types of fun foods, especially jelly donuts. Unusual and/or humorous news stories, cool videos, paintings and more can also be found on "Jelly Donuts in Hartford, Connecticut."
In most of the articles on this site, an underlying sense of humor is offered, but the presentation is often subtle.

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